Reminiscences of a Stock Operator: With New Commentary and Insights on the Life and Times of Jesse Livermore (Annotated Edition) by Edwin Lefèvre, Jon D. Markman


The all time classic combined with the excellent annotations done by Mr. Markman has modernized the book for the new generations of traders. This book is a must read.

Book Information

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator: With New Commentary and Insights on the Life and Times of Jesse Livermore (Annotated Edition)
Written by Edwin Lefèvre, Jon D. Markman
Forward by Paul Tudor Jones




The original version of Reminiscences of a Stock Operator has been a must read text for all traders for a long time. Yet, the views on the book have been pointing towards two extremes. Some people simply diss the book as a bad fiction while many others praise it as one of the most important books they have read on trading. It is actually quite easy to understand because the book attracts only hardcore traders.

The annotated version of Reminiscences I am reviewing here has bridged the gap between the readers and the world described in the original book. The readers can now finally understand the background and context for which the book was written. It is no easy task to figure out all the historical details necessary. Mr. Markman has done an outstanding job making this classic readable by non-traders and future generations of traders to come.

There are way too many trading wisdoms offered in the original text to be absorbed in a short period of time. It shows the depth of trading knowledge Jesse Livermore has. For trading newcomers, it may take several read and re-read of the book every few years to get the most out of the book. Every time a trader matures to a higher level, their perspectives change. Hence allowing them to understand the book from a different angle.

I highly recommended this book to all traders.

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