The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Day Trading Like a Pro by Peter J. Sander


This book is an overview of daytrading US equities and future markets. All basic aspects on daytrading are covered with reasonable advices on risk control and expectations. The examples on the trading tools are outdated and a number of brokerages mentioned in the book no longer exist. Overall a tourist guide to daytrading – you get to know the names of the things that you are supposed to look up for but it stops there.

Book Information

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Day Trading Like a Pro
Written by Peter J. Sander



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Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life by Nassim Nicholas Taleb


A strongly opinionated book that introduces the world to the importance of understanding randomness and how randomness is playing a role that is far greater than most people are willing to accept. It is one of the most important book of its time showing us how people under estimated risk and and over estimated their ability to handle future uncertainties. A thought provoking book for all traders, especially those who have not ingrained tight risk control in their mindsets yet.

Book Information

Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life
Written by Nassim Nicholas Taleb



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ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit: The Best Kept Secret Off Wall Street by Raghee Horner


One of the best introductory books on forex I have seen. Unlike the window shopping type beginner books that just browse over all the basic topics, Ms. Horner, a professional trader, documented a complete trading method in the book. The details are there as long as you are willing to read the book slowly to absorb the materials. Anyone who want to jump ship from trading equities into the forex markets will find this book a great starting point. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn trading forex profitably.

Book Information

ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit: The Best Kept Secret Off Wall Street
Written by Raghee Horner
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



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