Veritasium: Would You Take This Bet?

Real life experiment with people on rational decision making.

Our human nature plays a big part in our lives on the decisions we make. Traders are especially haunted by our bias towards risk aversion as losses of any kind is almost automatically translated into a form of pain or threat. Being able to overcome that in one situation does not mean that you can make the right decision next time in a different situation. Hence our struggle as a trader against our human nature is a fight we have to carry on all the time.

Anthony Robbins: New Year True You

It is a long video (about 35 minutes). If you want to do better with your trading, or improving your life, I recommend you sit down and spend 35 minutes watching this video. Mr. Robbins has put together many important ingredients necessary to improve yourself, to get you to where you want yourself to be, in a compact presentation here.

Pay attention to the weaknesses of depending on will power alone and how to not depend on it over time.

Almost all traders I know of who turn around their trading careers from slump to success has gone through this type of mental transition one way or the other.