Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career

This is an interesting TedTalk that gathered quite a number of comments from the viewers. It is about the excuses people made to avoid following their passions.

It is a funny talk. Mr. Smith delivered a great talk and it is very much to the point.

To follow your passion – you may not even know what your passion is. And when you do, you may not have the courage to pursuit your dreams. And most important of all, you may fail and it is something you have to learn to accept and move on.

To my younger readers – you may not know for sure trading is where your passion is. You may have chosen the wrong instrument to start with. Until you experiment enough you may never know. Most of us may not have what it takes to be great traders. But there is always room for decent traders to make a living. If trading is something you truly love to do, you can make it work too.

Vsauce: How Much Money is There on Earth?

Following is a great video explaining concepts about money without the usual "being tortured to death" feel by the economic text books.

If you are not familiar with the terms like M1, M2, or what it really means by "fiat currency", this video will have something useful for you.


Difficulties In Learning To Trade Can Be Caused By The Language You Speak

Ted Talk by Keith Chen, Could your language affect your ability to save money?

Very interesting talk with strong statistics supporting the concept.

Personally I have experience teaching / coaching traders where it was next to impossible to hammer the concept of risk control into some young guns.

Maybe, the way how they perceive future is so different from my point of view that it is better to find someone else who understand their perspectives to explain the concept to them.
