David Harvey: The Crises of Capitalism (RSA Animate)

Video from 2010 about the problem of capitalism in its current form.

Notice that as of 2013 August the problem explained in the video is not resolved.

Any moment now, should one large financial institution go under, we will re-live the horror of the financial crisis all over again. Passing the bomb around like the game of music chairs has limitations. As all major economies are now well aware of the tricks necessary to survive in this game, there is no one else to pass the financial problem to. The end is indeed very close.

What the Fed has done so far since 2009 is just delaying the inevitable. Fed effectively acted like a rookie trader by violating all possible trading rules and sound money management principles. Fed has bet everything it has and is running out of pledgeable asset by end of this year. So contrary to popular beliefs, quantitative easing will come to an end one way or the other.

Best that Fed can do is to reduce the current size of QE so that they can stretch the program further out into year 2014. As we all know, QE with lesser amount of money is completely useless as that will not be enough to counter the net outflow of all classes of high quality assets by the top 1%. Even on days when POMO is done, as long as the amount is not significant enough, stock market would sell off. Fed has to really dig deep this time to invent something new to replace QE or significant stock market melt down will become unavoidable.

Being a trader, we have to be extra cautious on what instruments to trade going forward. We also have to be extra careful with our money parked with the brokerages. When the next financial crisis hits us, I suspect many firms will go under. Many small cap stocks and financial markets will simply disappear. ETFs you buy may turn worthless as the organizations managing the funds may go bankrupt and lock up your money.

"Only the paranoid survive" – Andy Groves


Ian Goldin: Navigating Our Global Future

A TedTalk from 2009, Mr. Goldin raised the question why the people up at the top have failed to foresee all kinds of disasters happening and also failed to manage the consequences of these disasters. He is concerned that if people do not work together to improve the situation, the coming 20 years will be the undoing of mankind.

As of this point in time, 2013 August, nothing has changed at the top of the global financial systems. Not one single person has be held accountable. No rules are created to stop similar financial disasters from happening again.

The systematic risk in our global financial system has increased to the point that it can break any time. Yet, no one from the top of the system will to do anything about it. The future according to Mr. Goldin does not look good at all.


Interview With Stan Druckenmiller

Following is an interview with Stan Druckenmiller by Bloomberg’s Katherine Burton back in March 2013.

And this is an updated interview by Goldman Sach’s Hugo Scott-Gall in Jun 2013,


I do not necessary agree with Mr. Druckenmiller’s many talking points but his understanding of the global economy and where it may be heading is something worth listening to.
