Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional, Second Edition: Strategies and Techniques for Today’s Turbulent Global Financial Markets by Constance Brown


Required text for Chartered Market Technician (CMT). Broad coverage of technical analysis techniques with unique personal perspective in using the tools in real life situations. For readers who are not proficient in technical analysis already, this book will not help them learning or mastering the techniques. Readers who are pretty good with at least 1 technical tool, however, will benefit from this book as they can relate their expertise in one tool to the other ones with the excellent pointers Ms. Brown has provided in the book.

Book Information

Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional, Second Edition: Strategies and Techniques for Today’s Turbulent Global Financial Markets
Written by Constance Brown



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Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout by Toby Crabel


The first trading book that gives price data the proper rigorous treatment. Statistics and biases are summarized across several markets. The framework that Mr. Crabel developed back then 20+ years ago is still valid today. Great insights that shaped the trading principles of many famous traders nowadays. One of the best trading classics of all time.

Book Information

Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout
Written by Toby Crabel



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Point and Figure Charting: The Essential Application for Forecasting and Tracking Market Prices (2007) by Thomas Dorsey


The original edition is the best book I have read in teaching a charting method clearly and scientifically. The revised edition has expanded to cover concepts outside of just point and figure charting. A lot of chart examples are given so that the readers can follow the text better in the revised edition. Personally, I prefer the original one because it is 100 pages shorter with great focus on the subject – applications of point and figure charting techniques. My statistics driven trading method is heavily influenced by this book. Essential reading for all traders.

Book Information

Point and Figure Charting: The Essential Application for Forecasting and Tracking Market Prices
Written by Thomas Dorsey



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