Winning In The Future Markets: A Money-Making Guide to Trading Hedging and Speculating, Revised Edition by George Angell


A great introductory book on trading futures. Unlike those tour guide style trading books, the author essentially disclosed a practical method to trade commodity futures and specifically the S&P 500 index future. His LSS method is his distilled wisdom from classic trading techniques. Many famous traders nowadays all acknowledge this book as one of their major influence. It is how significant this book is in the trading world.

Book Information

Winning In The Future Markets: A Money-Making Guide to Trading Hedging and Speculating, Revised Edition
Written by George Angell



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Trading Systems: A New Approach to System Development and Portfolio Optimisation by Emilio Tomasini and Urban Jaekle


One of the better trading system design intro for anyone interested in trading system development and deployment. Covered all aspects of trading system design in relatively understandable language for people without scientific research background. Example trading models are provided for open discussion. Highly recommended to not just those interested in systematic trading but also discretionary traders.

Book Information

Trading Systems: A New Approach to System Development and Portfolio Optimisation
Written by Emilio Tomasini and Urban Jaekle



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The Inner Game of Trading by Robert Koppel and Howard Abell


A good summary of the psychological profile necessary for consistent profitability in trading. The strength of this book is that it is telling the story as it is – not everyone can become a great trader but it is possible to train anyone in becoming a good one as long as the person is willing to shape their minds into one. This is, however, also the weakness of the book as it can offend many people who think they know better.

Book Information

The Inner Game of Trading
Written by Robert Koppel and Howard Abell



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