Sara Lazar: How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains

Ms. Lazar is a neuroscientist. It is reasonable that she casts doubt about meditation and its benefits. Here is her take on meditation.

Several readers asked about the specifics of mediation that I practice. I am not a trainer of any kind of meditation techniques thus my experience may not be the best guide you get on the subject. My take is that the practice has to be compatible with you.

It can be traditional Buddhist meditation, Christian meditation, transcendental meditation and various classic martial art meditations. As long as it can get you to the meditative state and that you can stick to it routinely, it is probably the one you can get the most benefit from.

I started practicing a form of meditation before 10 years old. Since then my meditation practice grew through quite a number of stages before it settled. It is a part of me that is both helpful and, well, troublesome at times in some social situations.

Here is an example of what I meant by troublesome social mess. In several occasions where I have to make life and death decisions at emergency rooms in the hospitals, I was making the correct decisions quickly in a very calm manner while the nurses and the attending doctors could not figure out the best course of actions. I’ve learned that quite a number of them think that I do not care about the person being treated or I am someone who is some kind of cold-blooded psycho.

It is something difficult to explain if the person you are talking to do not have experience in meditation and its effects. i.e. You cannot explain color to a blind person.

Does meditation help my trading? Yes, I have no doubt about it.

Linda Bradford Raschke: Day Type, Taylor Trading, Trade Location

Ms. Rashcke’s 2 hour presentation of her trading style with question and answer period at the end of the presentation.

Several key things to take home from her presentation:

1. You cannot just watch a presentation and assume that you have learned the method,

"You have to make it your own."

2. Working out the statistics of a method yourself is important because that makes you understand the intricate details when the method works and when it doesn’t

3. On switching strategy based on different trading environments

There is no such thing as a universal method to be applied to all market conditions.

You have to be flexible like Ms. Raschke or stay out of the market environment where your mindset and method do not work well.

What Ms. Raschke says in the presentation is not something new. It is pretty much the same presentation she has done at major trading conferences and various exchanges for many years. If you are a newcomer in trading, it is a great introduction with many good ideas and tips to take home.


Kathy Lien: Forex As An Asset Class

Ms. Lien talks about the importance of diversification into other currencies.

In the old days, US dollar was king and that the currency environment was pretty static across the globe. There was no need to diversify one’s investment portfolio into other currencies. Investors with stocks in US, UK, Germany, etc. all enjoyed stable economic environment until late 1990s.

At this point, all these accepted knowledge of investing in books and investment classics are pretty useless if currency risk is not taken into account. You can pick the best stocks in your country and it will still worth nothing if your country happens to be Zimbabwe.

The truth is that most people in Asian countries and small European countries know about the importance of having multiple currencies all along. Holding multiple currencies has always been part of their investment common sense. It is about time for the people in major Western countries to learn more on this important investment concept.
