David Allen: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

David Allen is a consultant and coach on productivity.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by what you want to do but unable to handle them all, this talk is probably something you need to watch.

One of his recommendations, not surprisingly, is to write down your thoughts and tasks. From there, Mr. Allen presented a compelling case on how to deal with that after you have written down all the things you need to get done.

Tom Jacobs and John Del Vecchio: What’s Behind the Numbers

Google Talk on the book What’s Behind the Numbers by the authors.

Note: It is 1 hour 16 minutes long.

I choose this video because it is a great alternative if you find reading the book is too time consuming.

If you are interesting in trading stocks (and the indices), their work can convince you stop believing in many myths produced by the Wall Street marketing machine.

The question and answer session after their presentation is also a good one.


Linda Bradford Raschke: Day Type, Taylor Trading, Trade Location

Ms. Rashcke’s 2 hour presentation of her trading style with question and answer period at the end of the presentation.

Several key things to take home from her presentation:

1. You cannot just watch a presentation and assume that you have learned the method,

"You have to make it your own."

2. Working out the statistics of a method yourself is important because that makes you understand the intricate details when the method works and when it doesn’t

3. On switching strategy based on different trading environments

There is no such thing as a universal method to be applied to all market conditions.

You have to be flexible like Ms. Raschke or stay out of the market environment where your mindset and method do not work well.

What Ms. Raschke says in the presentation is not something new. It is pretty much the same presentation she has done at major trading conferences and various exchanges for many years. If you are a newcomer in trading, it is a great introduction with many good ideas and tips to take home.
